Peking to Paris 2016 in a 1966 VW Karmann Ghia, Patrick & Christine Sommer Car 65

Patrick & Christine Sommer
Ready to rally.

Route 6th Peking to Paris Rally 2016

Route 6th Peking to Paris Rally 2016



Saturday, 25 June 2016

Day 14 Rest day Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is a 1,5 mln city where the summer temperature can go to +30 Celsius and to - 45 Celsius in winter.
Some old wooden houses built for the Siberian winter are left among the more modern buildings.
Rest days on rallies always turn into crash courses in mechanics.
Fortunately we were in the pleasant position that nothing was broken on our Karmann Ghia. 
A number of cars had not resisted to the demands of the Mongolian tracks and had to precipitate their arrival in Novosibirsk to be repaired.
The day started with Yokohama tires organising to mount new tires for us.
We then ventured to the Novosibirsk Volkswagen dealership where we did some routine work on the car. The very supportive and helpful VW team was happy to see a 1966 Karmann Ghia. 
The final job of the day was to go to a specialist for wheels and tires who took all the dents out of our wheels caused by the big rocks on the tracks.

1 comment:

  1. Took 'Little Red' to that same VW dealership in 2013. It was the first rear engine, air cooled VW they had every seen. They couldn't help and referred us to their truck division a few blocks away! Keep calm and Rally On!
